


Now available!
Version 5.0!
Demeanor for .NET, Enterprise and Network Editions
5.0 are now available!
Version 5.0 supports all .NET assemblies from version 1.0 through version 4.8 plus .NET Standard 1.0 & 2.0.
In order to run version
Demeanor for .NET 5.0, you must have.NET 4.8 or later installed.
Current version 4.0 customers can
purchase a version 5.0 upgrade license for 25% off the list price.

The current release
is 5.0.8493.0 and you can review the release notes

Demeanor for .NET, Enterprise
Edition provides
better obfuscation, more advanced features, support for assemblies produced by all
.NET compilers, and more. And now you can be sure that Demeanor for .NET will support
the latest managed code features available in .NET!

"Obfuscation is the best tool
a company can have at its disposal for protecting its intellectual property. And
with both ease of use and sophistication Wise Owl's Demeanor for .NET, Enterprise
Edition reflects the high standard that we have come to expect only from
the best." -Jeffrey Richter, MS Press author,
Co-founder of Wintellect, LLC.


"Demeanor for .NET is
a superior product that has been designed and written by one of our industry's leading
authorities on the subject. I find Demeanor more robust and easer to use than any
other obfuscator on the marker today."
-Ted Pattison, Consultant, MS Press Author, MSDN
Magazine columnist.








The first and most thorough
code obfuscator
for .Net applications!

